Have you ever done something that new? Preparing for marriage is definetly new for me.
It is exciting!
James Valentine and Elizabeth Lovell are two very different people. Now we are preparing to combine these seperate worlds into a united family.
There are bumps in the road. However, we are commited to work as a team. Right now, our greatest assest is "Companionship Inventory." It is in the Preach My Gospel manual I used on my mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Let me explain.
Companionship Inventory is a weekly meeting between missionary companionships. It is a discussion initiated by the following cues:
1. "Share with your companion appropriate goals and ask his/her help in accomplishing them."
2. "Discuss the strength of your relationship with your companion."
3. "Discuss any challenges that may be keeping your companionship from working in unity or from being obedient."
4. "Resolve conflicts"
5. "Share with your companion what you think his/her strengths are."
6. "Ask your companion for ways in which you can improve."
Adapting to lives together is never easy. I was not always excited for new companions, and I know I am not the easiest person to live with you. This inventory is the glue! It creates a safe atmosphere and a trust between companions. I became converted to the importance of communication in my future relationships.
Luckily, James was willing to give it a try. We started having companionship inventory every week last semester. It was akward the first time (since we were prospective eternal companions--not missionary companions), but now James reminds me on Sunday to reserve time for our inventory.
Not only do we LOVE our Sunday discussion, but it really does make a difference throughout the entire week. We feel comfortable assisting each other and complimenting each other. Plus, it is nice to hear some compliments ;) just like it is fun to give them. Suprisingly, we never run out of compliments!
I am far from being an expert, but I think we are off to a good start!
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