Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Grateful Heat is a Happy Heart

Today in sacrament meeting, I was reminded about the game Pollyanna plays. On Sundays, the speaker, Brittney, and her sisters walk outside and play the grateful game. I felt like doing a similar activity in an E-mail to James. That E-mail consisted of the following list:

I am grateful for you.
I am grateful for your service toward me.
I am grateful for your dedication to our relationship.
I am grateful for your dedication to our future.
I am grateful for your success at work.
I am grateful for your testimony.
I am grateful for your service in the temple.
I am grateful for your patience with me.
I am grateful for your love and care.
I am grateful for your help with our wedding.
I am grateful for your listening ear.
I am grateful for your excitement for life.
I am grateful for your optimism.
I am grateful for your creativity.
I am grateful for your mission.
I am grateful for your fall out with ex-girlfriends.
I am grateful for your family.
I am grateful for my family.
I am grateful for my parents.
I am grateful for the principles of the gospel my family has taught me.
I am grateful for not having debt.
I am grateful for our small food storage.
I am grateful for my paycheck tomorrow.
I am grateful for TA experience.
I am grateful for Sister Hayes coming tomorrow.
I am grateful for my heating pads.
I am grateful for Dean (the car).
I am grateful for every hour I got to spend in church today.
I am grateful for every time I made time to go to the temple.
I am grateful for a new chance to get a good grade on a calculus test.
I am grateful for "crtl"+"v"
I am grateful for our companionship inventories.
I am grateful for dry ground (no snow yet).
I am grateful for clean movies and books (not Orson Scott Card's).
I am grateful for your example taking notes.
I am grateful for Mondays.
I am grateful for Tuesdays and devotionals.
I am grateful for Wednesdays and only having one class.
I am grateful for Thursdays and having a bigger break before Calculus.
I am grateful for Fridays and the start of a weekend.
I am grateful for Saturdays when I am productive.
I am grateful for Sundays and the spirit at church.
I am grateful for days you have off.
I am grateful for the excel sheet you E-mailed me.
I am grateful for shoes.
I am grateful for socks.
I am grateful for comfy missionary shoes from Sketchers.
I am grateful for the Plan of Salvation.
I am grateful for the sealing of families in the temple.
I am grateful for my family's sealing.
I am grateful for the Book of Mormon.
I am grateful for 2 Nephi 4.
I am grateful for the Prophet, Thomas S. Monson.
I am grateful for my violin.
I am grateful for music.
I am grateful for most hymns.
I am grateful for friends.
I am grateful for acquaintances.
I am grateful for smiles.
I am grateful for discounts and sales.
I am grateful for planners.
I am grateful for four-colored pens.
I am grateful for the idea I just had to post this on my blog.
I am grateful for light switches.
I am grateful for lotion.
I am grateful for gum.
I am grateful for mints.
I am grateful for food.
I am grateful for the sacrament.
I am grateful for my understanding of the gospel.
I am grateful for bed time.

Anyone else want to play?

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